While working on chain abstraction - one of the main things we realized is how hard it is for someone new to enter the abstraction space. From what we saw, even experienced developers struggle to figure out where to start and how to kick off.

There is a lot of content, many groups (a lot of them private), research initiatives, and summaries. Special hat tip to Awesome-CA.

From our point of view, one thing was missing: A unified, central place with a broad and detailed overview of the abstraction landscape tailored to developers which can help them get started in under a day.

And why us, out of all the other projects?

It’s simple:

Klaster is an orchestration layer, and our core value proposition is to be agnostic and work well with all the other protocols, solutions, and layers, making their lives easier. We don't consider ourselves in competition with anyone, at worst, we are coopetition.

All of that being said, without further delay, we present to you a joint effort of a couple of people:

Chainabstraction.dev - or as we like to call it, CHAD. 🥳

CHAD is a compendium of all the players in the chain abstraction ecosystem and aims to be the most detailed and up-to-date resource for anyone who needs to know the latest and greatest info.

In this first phase, we made sure we are as broad as possible, gathering in one place everyone involved in the abstraction space—from orchestration, account, gas, and wallet abstraction to aggregators, bridges, interoperability protocols, solver networks, solvers, transport layers, and many more. Our initial focus was on the EVM space and some adjacent ones, but we are working hard to add more ecosystems as we go (e.g. Solana).

Besides a detailed description of every project, protocol, or standard, there are links to documentation, code examples, demo apps, and production-ready tools.

All of this effort is our small way of moving the needle, and we encourage everyone in the space to contribute. We will be dedicating resources to ensure CHAD is properly maintained in the years to come, but if you see something missing or incorrect, we encourage you to submit a pull request, and we will make sure it’s approved promptly.

We hope that CHAD will be as useful a tool for everyone as it has been for us.